Negotiation Consulting and Training Programs

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ARCS Australia & Negotiation Partners

Negotiation Partners is delighted to be partnering with ARCS Australia to develop and deliver key elements of its Signature Program. This premium program is designed to equip senior leaders in the Australian pharmaceutical, medical technology and biotechnology industry with the knowledge and skills to thrive locally and to compete globally. Given the location (Canberra), persuasion, influencing and negotiation skills were a key focus with Matt Lohmeyer, Negotiator and Coach delivering the first part of a bespoke two day negotiation skills curriculum for ARCS. The second day will be delivered as part of the finale of the Signature program in Sydney in July. 

Negotiation Partners is looking forward to partnering with ARCS Australia to deliver a rolling series of the Signature program over the next few years.

The group with Melissa McIntosh MP , Member for Lindsay in our Committee Room at Parliament House.