Negotiation Consulting and Training Programs

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Not everything is a negotiation...

As 2018 draws to a close, we wish our alumni, our clients, colleagues,friends and family all the very best for the New Year.

Whilst we teach negotiation skills, we also recognise that not everything is a negotiation...

Our alumni will remember that we teach negotiation as part of a toolkit of skills. Negotiation is one of the most powerful of the nine techniques, but not everything should be negotiated!

We all like to be appreciated for what we do and the difference we have made in the lives of others. What are some of the little ways in which we can show our personal appreciation and say thank you…?

Be spontaneously generous

The most memorable gifts are those which are unexpected, relevant and ‘in the moment’. You will always remember that unexpected invitation to something special or the time when a complete stranger paid for your bus fare because you forgot your wallet.

Thank you is amazing

They are probably the two most powerful words to build relationships. ‘Thank you’ tells of a need recognised, a service given, appreciated by the recipient, and acknowledged with gratitude. ‘Thank you’ reinforces trust and goodwill – the lifeblood of exceptional relationships. Take the time to invest in relationships, starting with just two simple words.

Make someone’s day

Whenever we read an email from one of our alumni who tells us of an amazing success they’ve had - or perhaps a disaster averted - or a messy divorce now settled without going to court, our collective hearts skip a beat. Reading your success stories makes our day!

Every once in a while, take some time out to and make someone’s day. Tell them how special they make you feel or how much you appreciate their assistance - even if all they do is the office filing or bringing the morning coffee.

My team and I would like to thank you for making our job so fulfilling and enjoyable.

We wish you and yours a healthy, rewarding and prosperous New Year!

All the very best!
