Negotiation Partners alumni know that there are nine fundamentally different ways to achieve agreement or resolve conflict.
Understanding how and when to use each of the nine techniques is the hallmark of a skilled and versatile negotiator.
Importantly, there are no ‘good' or 'bad' techniques. Each has its uses, advantages and disadvantages. The effectiveness of any given approach depends on two key factors:
how effectively it addresses the specific situation, and
how skilfully it is being used.
As part of our Professional Negotiation Skills program, we teach participants to choose the most appropriate techniques and to apply them skilfully.
Over the next few weeks, we will post a snapshot of each technique, starting with the much maligned approach of IMPOSING YOUR WILL.
Simply asking or requesting for what they want is the preferred way to achieve an outcome for about 1.8%.
Only about 2.4% of the over 2500 international middle and senior managers in our benchmark group prefer to use negotiation to achieve the outcome they want.
About 22.6% of over 2500 international middle and senior managers in our benchmark group prefer compromise to other techniques for resolving conflict.
Delay and avoidance are the preferred ways to respond to conflict for about 7.9%.
Escalating conflict to a higher authority for resolution is often a last resort when parties have reached deadlock.