Dispute Over Scope Creep
Agreon (now part of Deloitte) was a specialist systems integrator, providing expert solutions for electronic identity management in partnership with Oracle, Sun Microsystems, IBM, Unisys and Microsoft.
Agreon approached Dr. Lohmeyer to advise on resolving a long-running dispute with a prime contractor to the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) Identity Project. The chief issue was who would take responsibility for budget and timeline blowouts caused by ongoing changes of scope and unforeseen technical issues.
Having reviewed the background correspondence and been briefed on the issues at hand, Dr. Lohmeyer met with the CEO and members of the senior management team of Agreon. Together, they developed a strategy to re-engage with the other party and to address and resolve the outstanding issues.
The dispute was resolved to Agreon’s full satisfaction within a period of weeks.
“Matt was recommended to me as someone who could provide guidance on a potential area of dispute. He achieved great results in this regard with minimal investment requirements from our perspective.
Matt was extremely well prepared in advance and quickly honed in on the most important aspects that represented a positive outcome for Agreon. Matt then set about facilitating a strategy for achieving this.
I’m pleased to report that all is resolved and Agreon is very pleased with the outcomes.”